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Add insurance benefits BEFORE inviting a patient to order from you
This will allow the patient to checkout with the grand total after their benefit.
Always add insurance benefits before giving out "digital prescriptions"
This will show the patient how inexpensive & easy it is to order from you, rather than download their prescription and go through the 12 steps of ordering from another website.
Inside "ORDERS" you will see all orders that require billing
Mark them billed once finalized. If insurance benefits are not available at the time of billing, simply click "unavailable" and the patient's credit card will automatically be charged. Patients are notified of this
Selling in office with insurance
You can either place the order in office, OR upload insurance benefits and invite the patient to order on their own.
The system does not do billing or verify benefits
It just allows you to upload the benefit to a patient's portal for ordering.
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How to use Insurance Benefits
Add insurance benefits BEFORE inviting a patient to order from you
This will allow the patient to checkout with the grand total after their benefit.
Always add insurance benefits before giving out "digital prescriptions"
This will show the patient how inexpensive & easy it is to order from you, rather than download their prescription and go through the 12 steps of ordering from another website.
Inside "ORDERS" you will see all orders that require billing
Mark them billed once finalized. If insurance benefits are not available at the time of billing, simply click "unavailable" and the patient's credit card will automatically be charged. Patients are notified of this
Selling in office with insurance
You can either place the order in office, OR upload insurance benefits and invite the patient to order on their own.
The system does not do billing or verify benefits
It just allows you to upload the benefit to a patient's portal for ordering.
Topics: Insurance benefits