The DCL training portal

Returns & Cancellations (Integrated & Unintegrated accounts)

Written by Jennifer | Sep 23, 2020 8:00:06 PM

How to cancel or edit an order that has already been placed:

Step 1: Contact ABB or WVA as soon as possible before the order gets processed. You have ~30 minutes before the order is processed and it can't be reversed. The ABB phone # is 954-733-2300. Press menu option #2 and then option #2 again. ABB will ask for the account number and patient name and they can make any necessary changes or void out the order is needed.  The WVA phone # is 800-747-9000.

Step 2: Let Dr. Contact Lens support know of any changes made to the order or if the order was cancelled by emailing or by calling support at 888-205-1679. This is important so any changes made can be reconciled with your Dr. Contact Lens account.

If the order has already been processed this will now become a return.

Process for returns (2 Options):

Option 1: Have the patient return unopened boxes to your practice and you will handle the returns as you normally do by shipping unopened boxes back to ABB for account credit. Make sure the returns have your ABB account number so credit is received.

Option 2: Dr. Contact Lens can email a shipping label directly to patient and patient ships unopened boxes to ABB for account credit. The shipping label is $9.00 at cost to the practice. 
When a patient has order inquiries regarding tracking, stalled or lost packages: 
Staff can have patient contact support by emailing or call by calling support at 954-803-0319. 
Lost Packages:
These cases (all though rare) are handled on a case by case basis. Please have your staff contact support directly by emailing or call by calling support at 954-803-0319.
When an order is backordered, DCL will notify the patient with an email. To find out the status of any back order call your distributor for a more accurate date of when it will be back in stock. We recommend being proactive about back orders. Common brands back ordered are:
Biofinity toric XR
Biofinity toric multifocal
Biotrue 1 day for astigmatism
Ultra multifocal for astigmatism